
Washington DC , in the subway.

A group of young guys have some music playing and dance (hip-hop?) to the sound of it. One of them has a Naruto headband.

In the subway. A woman enters the train, nervous, hesitating but in a hurry. A big guy in the subway uniform enters after her, and asks "Where are you going, lady?", speaking loudly. I would have run at this point. She turns around and approaches him. She mumbles something. I feel like I hear "west" in it. The subway guy talks again, loudly, articulating well: "Which station?".
I'm not sure if she doesn't remember the name of the station or if she's not good at english. She looks asian. The subway guy tells her to just show him on the map. She does. Turns out she has to take the other train. She leaves in a hurry. The subway guy too, but unhurriedly.

october 8th

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