
Bus trip between Boston and New York City (southward along the east coast). During the day.

The trees' colors are amazing.
I'm preeeetty sure we have fall colours in Europe too (I can't say for sure though: city-dweller, remember), but people would probably be less impressed by North-American ones of ours were as nice. The fact that one of the brightest fall trees is the maple, of which there are lots here but in europe... less? none? some but of a different kind? (one of the three, I guess) seems in line with this reasoning.

But really, it's gorgeous. Especially when there is a whole group of yellow-orange-red-brown trees, and a few very bright in the middle (go away, green, out, out!).

I've been told fall was less pretty when the summer had been too dry (brown leaves won't turn red, and fallen ones even less so), and that it was one of those years, but I'm still (even more?) impressed.

Forest, some marshland, rocks. After one hour's driving, I start noticing (maybe it was there before that too) quite a few evergreens (out, out, out!) and a few birch trees. Still some marshed from time to time (did americans ever have to drain marshes to build a city or did they just keep going a few hundred kilometers? We'll know... if and when I remember to ask a local) and a few lakes. After one hour and a half, most of the trees are still green.

The road is flat, but on either side are very slight hills.

5th october

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