
Another walk.
People we see have NPC lines.
"Not a weather for a walk, eh?"
"Pretty cold out today!"
"You look cold."

october 2nd


We went for a walk at one hour's drive of the city.
An information board said:
"We saw bears around here, so if you're staying overnight, remember to not let any food near your encampment or in your tent, and if you see one, make loud noises (like by hitting pans), and never ever run away"

And they have the most inaccurate maps ever at the beginning of the trails, leaving out half of the paths.

october 14th


- I don't get why anyone would buy a house in a place where you know there's gonna be a hurricane every couple years.
- On the other hand, there are earthquakes on the West coast and tornadoes in the center.


New York DC's museum of national history is good at advertisement.

october 6th


A friend tells me about a family trip to Alaska. They hit a bear.

It left, unhurt, after having looked at them menacingly ("and it got up, and it was -this big!-")

october 14th


People here use the casual 'you' way more often than in France (there is a casual 'you' and a formal one in... pretty much any language that's not english?)




"...so for this one, I think I'll probably need a wire armature, because it's a really secondary character, il ne fait pas grand-chose. Et pour celui-là, if it was a five-minutes short only about him, il faudrait sans doute le refaire, but as it is, it's more than enough. Il ne va pas bouger beaucoup anyway, and I guess... "

october 18th

september 26th - october 6th


In the U.S., most prices are shown excluding taxes. So it's really hard to prepare just the right amount of money when you buy something. I also feel cheated every time.

october 6th


october 9th

I ask a few things about the metro in New York before remembering they say "subway" in the US instead of "metro".
 I ask a few things about the subway in Washington DC before reading that it's the only city in the US where they say "metro" instead of "subway".

october 9th


We go eat at "cook out" (pronounced something like "cookah" around here). I ask for a whatever chicken wrap (I don't remember the name). The guy makes me repeat it three times, still doesn't understand. I turn towards my friend: "help me". She tells him "she wants a whätever chicken wrap". He says "ah, okay!" and brings us one.

I'm eating the whatever chicken wrap with my friend, her brother, their friends. One of the friends says the more unhealthy something is, the better it tastes. I say no, mangoes. He doesn't understand. I try again, three times (three times's the charm, like in tales), and turn towards my friend: "help me". She says "mängoes". "Ahhh, mängoes!"

We also eat some kind of corn-based cylindrical croquette, it's really good.

october 14th
I saw a ice hockey game for the first time. (we had forgotten to bring warm sweaters. Big mistake. -ice- hockey)

The goalies have huge protections on their shins and feet (and on the inside face of their knees, because it seems their base guard move is to let themselves fall on their knees, the shins in a mirror, like an upside-down 'T').

those don't have their gloves on either

"is it a particularly significant game? Like, is it the first game of the season, or something?" "no."

october 14th


A friend tells me there are lots of russian-speaking people in his neighbourhood (in NYC). That they arrived after the cold war.

We also hear a lot of haitian creole.

october 7th
The europeans extermined all american passenger pigeons by carelessness.

I thought it had been the same with bisons, but the museum tells me it was a deliberate war tactic against the american indians.

October 11th


Just west of Baltimore, near the train rails, there is an impressive number of half-destroyed houses.

october 15th